John's Best Selling Product

Grab a $20 discount off John's latest product WSO Domination and learn to create a Warrior Special offer that sells!  Read more!

Partner With John

Let John work with you personally to build your online business. Serious individuals only!  Read more!

John Thornhill’s 3 Step Success Formula

This video reveals my simple 3 step to success formula. This formula is responsible for my success online and the beauty of this formula is anyone can copy it. Enjoy!

Partnership to Success – Weeks 4 – 7

The blog transformation is almost complete. Over the last few weeks we have learned many things including:-

  • How to add Google ads to our blog to generate an affiliate income.
  • How to add an aweber pop-up and opt-in form
  • Adding widgets
  • How to add social media icons
  • Networking with other blog users

The fact we have added aweber forms means we have also started building an all important list from our blog. As we have also added social media icons we will be starting to interact with others away from our blog via Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

This week sees the end of phase one of the Partnership to Success program and to finish off we will be covering some advanced blogging tactics such as adding images and video into posts, adding different forms of advertising and adding more widgets.

You will also notice that I have added links to all the Partnership to Success members blogs, feel free to go and check them out to see the progress the students are making.

Next week we move into phase two and product creation begins so feel free to subscribe for updates and follow my students on their journey.

Until next time…

John Thornhill


Partnership to Success – Week 3

This week I have been showing all Partnership to Success members how to put ads on their blog so they can start to generate an income. You may not know this but putting strategic ads on your blog can generate a significant income.

I also showed the Partnership to Success members how to link to products and services directly from their blog posts by showing how I link to one of my products called WSO Domination, this is also an excellent way to generate an affiliate income.

Partnership to Success – Week 2

It’s week 2 of the Partnership to Success program. This week the new students have installed a new theme and added custom graphics and already the new blog has changed dramatically.

By next week this blog will be in a position to start generating an income and by week 4 it will be generating tons of visitors and also building a subscriber list.

This is just the beginning of an exciting 52 week journey for all the new students, feel free to follow me as I go on an exciting journey and please feel free to share you thoughts and comments.

John Thornhill

Welcome to The Partnership to Success Blog

This is my first post on the brand new Partnership to Success blog. Over the coming weeks you will see this blog transform. Follow me on my journey as I help my Partnership to Success students build their business online. You will get to see them build their business in real time.